As of July 2024 we are closed for commissions. Please read this page and my TOS before emailing.

If there is a vacant spot, this is made known on my social media platforms, Instagram or Twitter. This will usually be selected on a make-your-own-offer or auction basis. Some clients have received slots by contacting me at random times. Should you try this method, please send a reference, a short description of what you want, and include your budget. I may not reply.


If you have a design in mind, please have a clear reference available.

I am also open to making custom designs, or you could choose a design from my pre-design folder here.


In order to keep my queue short and manageable, I only keep 2-3 projects in my queue at any given time. Each project generally takes ~3 months to complete. That being said, only up-front payments and short payment plans (6 months or less) are available


Suits are sold on an offer/auction basis. 

I will not consider full-suit offers under $15,000 USD. Most of my recent orders have been $20,000+ USD. Please keep this in mind when offering.

Smaller orders (ie. Heads or Partials) will be accepted on a case-by-case basis and must be over $10,000 USD


Please read over my Terms of Service before making inquiries.

Replies are not guaranteed. I am just one person and I hate being online. ;)